Monday 19 March 2012

Mystery of the Japanese Werewolf [$0.99 -> Free Limited Time]

iTunes Link:


FREE FOR 48 HOURS! THIS WILL PROBABLY NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN, TELL YOUR FRIENDS! You are getting for free an awesome new platformer made by someone who can't afford marketing and stuff. Please, play it a little, finish some bosses and then come back here to rate the game. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! PS: YOU CAN CHANGE THE CONTROLS AT THE IN-GAME PAUSE MENU

A flying saucer landed on Earth; its enigmatic pilot asks for help. Ghosts and monsters lurk inside his magnificent custom painted flying saucer, but Eileen, the new ninja in town, is at the right place at the right time and so she gets to go on an adventure that is as nostalgic as it is NEW.

Inspired by really good classic games like Ninja Gaiden, Super Mario and Metroid, Mystery of the J-Werewolf was designed to be as comfortable as holding an old NES controller, but also to use the modern features of iOS devices in unique ways.

A classic platformer made by someone who played lots of them. The old meets the new in this new spin on 2D sidescrollers!

What people are saying? Do you really want to know? Yes? YES YOU DO!

"music to the ears of anyone who’s been waiting for a retro iOS game that actually captures the spirit of retro game design rather than plopping pixelated graphics over bare-bones gameplay" - iFanzine

"it looks good, the sound is a treat for anyone who gets off on nostalgia, it's fun to play, and it has a talking dinosaur" - Slide To Play

"its often hilarious writing makes it worth a download even without the deliciously classic gameplay" - Appolicious

You can see a gameplay trailer on the Support link (or


This game is Retina Ready. Sure, it's pixel art, so all you get will be larger pixels. But, hey: no blurry interpolation!


As of 1.05, J-Werewolf now has 3 touch-screen control options and supports Joypad and some other popular joystick hardware. One of these options should really fit your needs. PLEASE, try them all before writing a review. The controls in J-Werewolf are fine!

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